Friday, August 26, 2016

HEA Book Tours PR & More Presents: Last Dance by Zoe Blackwood; #Booktour, #OutNow

LAST DANCE by Zoe Blackwood

A Novella
Rating:  3.5 Stars
Told in the first person.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from HEA Book Tours and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


My name is Parker, and this is my story. It is Joey’s story as much as it is mine, because she is the girl that I will love until I take my last breath. She is the light in the darkest corner and the person whose hand I hope to hold on my last day.

We never know when that might be: The end. The last dance. I didn’t know when mine would be. I didn’t know a lot of things. The best lessons in life hurt the most. That was the thing about betraying the person you loved, there was no way to take it back.

If you can, learn from my mistakes. We never realize what matters the most until we’re faced with losing it, and sometimes not until it’s gone.


— Short Excerpt —

As soon as it was in place, a jeweled crown over her brown hair, I was tossed back to that first night outside the theater when I’d noticed her standing there in a little dress that hugged her figure. Her hair was swaying and she was smiling that big, incredible smile she had when she was mostly unaware of how captivating and beautiful she was.

My Thoughts:

Parker “Park” James is a man that is the product of his time period.  He sees dollar signs and not the consequences for his actions.  Park and his girlfriend, Joey, seem to need a stimulant in order to enjoy the physical side of their relationship.  But he also uses that excuse for outside of their relationship as well.

This is a story that will have you remembering a time in our history when people hated war and love and drugs were free flowing.  It made me remember my own time of still being in high school.  One thing Park and I had in common was the love of a certain band.  It also reminded me of a film we had to watch called Go Ask Alice.  If you haven’t seen it you may want to check it out.

What impressed me was that the author did not try to glamorize the use or selling of drugs.  It shows what happens to a person that gets into that lifestyle.  This is supposed to be a romance but for me I just didn’t feel it especially with Park’s current situation.  For me, I just didn’t feel that certain connection when there’s something going on between two characters.  One thing that I liked about the story was how realistic it seemed to be.  I also liked how Joey finally woke up and made a decision that finally had an impact on Park’s life.

You hope to like each story you read but it’s not always possible.  That doesn’t mean that you stop reading the author.  Plus there were parts of the book that I did like.  Our author gives us an ending that may be considered both happy and sad.  Not everything in life can be cut and dried.  And this was one more thing that I liked about this story and makes it true to life.  It’s also a story that could have easily been set in today’s society – shows not much has changed.


Zoe Blackwood is a pseudonym for author, Kim Streible. She resides in Kentucky, surrounded by various wildlife and dogs, because as long as she can remember, there's always been a dog in the house. She hates getting lost on back country roads and sushi. She loves Batman, music and 80's romantic comedies.

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