Friday, July 22, 2016

Love Affair With Fiction Presents: Until Harry by L.A. Casey; #BlogTour, #OutNow & #Giveaway

Title: Until Harry
Author: L.A. Casey
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Release Date: July 19

Like nothing you have ever read from L.A. Casey before, a story of loss, love, and finding yourself in the darkest of times.

He was my best friend, my best not-really-big-brother and my best protector. He was my best everything. He was mine.
Coming home is hard for Lane. Hard because Harry, her beloved uncle, has died suddenly, but also because of him. Kale.
Kale Hunt has been her best friend since childhood. But it was never that simple. He was Lane’s reason for leaving home and moving to New York. Seeing him with someone else, in love with someone else, shouldn’t have hurt. But it did. It really, really did. So she upped sticks and left, started a new life and cut herself off from her past.
But now she’s back and all the feelings are right there. As if she had never left.
Emotions are running high for everyone, and tragedy has a funny way of bringing people together. But is Lane reading the signs right? Are they still just friends, or is there something more?

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I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose as I reread the letter from my brother for the millionth time since I received it two days ago. It stated two things. One, my uncle passed away. My godfather and dear friend was gone. And two, I had to go home.
I wasn’t jumping for joy about either fact.
I looked up from the worn paper Lochlan’s letter was scribbled upon and gazed out the window of the train I was sitting inside.
The Yorkshire’s countryside passed me by, and in seconds I was lost in the green beauty of it. Unfortunately, the glamour of the never-ending dreamlike view wasn’t enough to mask the pain in my chest. The horrendous agony quickly brought me back to the present, and it screamed that I couldn’t run from it.
Not this time, Lane, a sour voice in my mind hissed. You can’t escape this.
Nothing beautiful to the naked eye or soothing to the delicate ear could erase the inevitable reality I would soon have to face head on. I shifted in my seat as my stomach roiled at the thought of what the next few days entailed.
Why did this have to happen? I glumly wondered.

L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who juggles her time with her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humor and Irish accent as much as her books.
Casey’s first book Dominic, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. She is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.

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