Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pleasure, Pain or Purpose by Al Daltrey; #OutNow

BOOK 5- SERIES Pleasure Pain or Purpose
Book Two: Pain
By: Al Daltrey
Release Date: June 23, 2016
Genre: Erotica Romance
Rating: 4 Stars
Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

“That’s the thing about sex. It can mean the world to one person and nothing to the other.” -Biljana Stevens
Billie continued her trek to exotic countries with the hope of healing from the loss of her one true love. Her journey takes her to a lesbian bar in Chile, a Shibari Master in Japan, and a tantric sex guru in India.
But does it help?
Jasmin is torn between two men. A heavily connected mobster, fresh out of prison, and her mild mannered boss, the consummate professional. What will win out, the desire for insatiable pleasure or true love?
Will she even have a choice?
Vicky had it all. The perfect husband, a great job, and beauty. Until cracks in the foundation appear. Mistrust, betrayal, twists in the road.
Could it get any worse?
Life goes on for the three best friends as they navigate incredible highs and crippling lows.
There is pleasure, at times very kinky pleasure, and there is pain.

The only constant is their undying friendship.

Barnes & Noble: PENDING
Paperback: PENDING
Al will send a signed autograph sticker to anyone that purchases a Paperback.

Jasmin Stallworth is very protective of her friends, Billy and Vicky.  The author starts the book off with a very intense scene – you will have no trouble seeing what’s going on.  But it could also be disturbing to some.  The author does turn the scene around so be patient.  It’s interesting to watch this author’s creativity unfold.

This story shows how the lives of these friends has changed since their less than stellar reunion.  We get to see how these three women handle the world around them.  I can’t say that there is one main character.  You have three distinct stories and it’s like getting three books for the price of one.  What draws these stories together is their connection to each other.

You won’t get shortchanged in the BDSM and sex department.  Personally, I think there was a little too much – I know, right!  I would have liked to see more character development.  The only way to change that would be to go back and see what book one, titled Pleasure, has to offer.  It just may give me more of an incite into the lives of these three ladies.  The ending leaves you feeling sad but it’s a great way to have the reader getting ready to see what’s going to happen next.


Billie wasn’t in Miami for more than a month before she knew she had to move away again. She still felt in need of new scenery. But where to next? She mulled on it for a few days, but nothing jumped out. Jasmin had suggested Alaska, but Billie wasn’t in the mood for somewhere so cold. Then it hit her. She remembered a conversation with David, and it provided the exact inspiration she was looking for!
Oh, how she wished she could talk to him, but of course, she couldn’t. Instead, she did the only thing she could do, and went down to his burial site to connect with him. This wasn’t the first time that Billie visited David’s grave, but it was rare for her to do so. At the time of his death, she would have preferred to have him cremated, but David’s mother, a staunch Catholic, was adamant that her son have a traditional burial. Billie had conceded. It wasn’t that important to her. David was dead. That was all that really mattered at the time.
Yet now, almost four years later, she found herself glad that she let David’s mother have her way at the time. Billie was glad there was a place she could go to speak to his spirit. So much had happened since her last visit. Besides, she wanted to tell him her idea.
The Mount Pleasant Cemetery was a beautiful peaceful place with big oak trees lining each row of headstones. It was apparent that family members came by often as many of the sites were adorned with fresh-cut flowers. The grass was well manicured and the leaves cleaned up regularly. She drove there in her rental car and wiped away tears before even stepping out of the vehicle. Toughen up, she told herself.
When she got to his headstone, she sat down in the grass beside it. It was a warm sunny day with a light breeze, and the grass was free of any residual morning dew. She got comfortable with her legs crossed, and with no one in the vicinity, she decided to speak out loud.
“Hey sweetheart. I brought you my favorite flowers. I know you were never into flowers, so I brought you the ones you used to buy for me. Fresh daisies for you, my love. Don’t roll your eyes at me. How’s life in heaven? Can you see me from up there? I try to be strong for you. Some days if I think you might be watching down on me, I make sure not to cry. I know you hated seeing me cry. I wish I knew if you were watching me.

Testing the Submissive
By: Al Daltrey
Release Date: June 30, 2014
Genre: Erotica BDSM


Abby stood nervously before her Master in the classic submissive pose: fully nude, legs apart, wrists placed behind her back; deeply ashamed of her evident arousal.
How far would her Master push her with these ‘tests’? How far would Abigail go? How many times could she stand before him blushing; yet with that unmistakable tingle? Their relationship was surely headed for a collision course. Or was it?

Barnes & Noble:
Al will send a signed autograph sticker to anyone that purchases a Paperback.
Official Book Trailer
Teaser Trailer (longer)


Debbie- Goodreads
Rachel- Goodreads
Lori JG- Goodreads


Abigail Watson-
I knew there was a part of me that was different from most, if not all, of my girlfriends.
Sure, every girl dreams of a beautiful wedding. We all want to fall crazy-in-love with a cool, fun, smart, sexy, successful guy. I guess I wanted that too, in a way.  But I never saw myself as a Princess.  I never wanted to be fawned upon.  There was something a little different happening in my head.  
Late at night, under the covers, in the private darkness of my bedroom, my fingers would wander, along with my thoughts.  The storyline wasn’t rooted in romance.  Instead, I would envision myself strung up from the ceiling, hanging by my wrists, body covered in sweat, tears falling on my breasts, while some man I cherished stood behind me with a whip.
The more the guys around me in college catered to me, the less interested I became. Don’t get me wrong, I like sweet attentive men – as friends, maybe. But guys like that just don’t excite me. To find one’s way into my late night fantasies, my suitor required an entirely different style.
I craved a strong unforgiving dominant that would put me in my place.


A Condo with Two Views
By: Al Daltrey
Release Date: January 6, 2015
Genre: Erotica BDSM


Men and women see the world differently, as do dominants and submissives. A Condo with Two Views is told from two perspectives: Jack’s and Chloe’s. Jack is a loving and protective husband, but with a kinky penchant for sharing his willing wife. Chloe is smart and strikingly beautiful, and obeys every command from her husband, no matter how perverse. Each gives their view of the story: one where Chloe must submit to a grungy caretaker, a sexy lesbian couple, an evil developer, an older sadist, and the list goes on. But, what happens when she’s pushed too far? Is the deep love of a husband and wife more powerful than the bond of a dominant and submissive? What will win out, love or bdsm?

Available on Kindle Unlimited
Al will send a signed autograph sticker to anyone that purchases a Paperback.
Official Book Trailer


Tanya Walling- Goodreads
Lori JG- Goodreads
Kearstin- Goodreads


Jacks View-
I’d say Chloe is the perfect wife. She’s beautiful, of course. She’s killer smart. I often tell her that she’s smarter than I am. If we have kids, I hope they take after her. Not only that, she’s insightful, she’s caring. Yes, at times she can be stubborn. Oh, I guess I should say she can also tolerate quite the spanking. I have to practically pry her safeword out of her when I’m laying into her ass with a paddle.
Outside of the bedroom she can stand her ground with anyone, me included. She’s no pushover. But in the bedroom, well let’s just say that behind closed doors, the love of my life turns into a complete and total slut. Make no mistake; my wife Chloe Walker is a submissive masochist: no wonder I love her so much.

Doom & Domination- A Short Story by Al Daltrey

Available on Literotica:


Riverwalk- Ten Kinky Collaborations
By: Al Daltrey & Friends (Gina Whitney, Lena Black, Rosemary Willhide, Noelle Bodhaine, Jen Lassalle Edwards, Julie Jaret, Ali Reynolds, Jaycee Daltrey, Tiffany Huegele)
Release Date: June 4, 2015
Genre: Erotica BDSM


The concept behind this book involves 10 female writers bringing to life stories that stem from one male Dom. True collaborations. (Similar to a ‘Duets’ albums). Intentionally, a range of female authors were approached. Some are established and successful; while others were previously unpublished. Some had direct experience in the BDSM lifestyle, while others did not. All of this was intentional, to ensure a fresh, unique, range of stories. Each writer brought her flare, her style, and her talent to the project. The subtle connection linking the stories relates to the famous River Walk in San Antonio Texas.


The Power of a Woman (Gina Whitney). Our demons were made for each other. Our facades mean nothing when it's just me and you. Sin from thy lips. Trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again and again. A modern day Romeo and Juliet meets Sopranos.
Spanked! (Lena Black). Recent college graduate Mila Petrov needed money to repay endless school loans. How far would she be willing to go when she meets a handsome doctor with a dark side and a mysterious machine?
Hostage Situation (Julie Jaret). Locked in the vault during a robbery gone wrong, a bank teller, Kate Watson, explores her boundaries with the sexy new security guard.
Un-cashed Cheque (Melissa Asleson). The road of self-discovery can be long, but for Macy Seduva, an unplanned detour could actually be the most effective route.
The Discover Ring (Rosemary Willhide). All wedding planner, Sylvie Hancock, wants is to marry her longtime boyfriend. In her quest for an engagement ring, she discovers an unexpected desire simmering deep within.
One Last Cigarette (Noelle Bodhaine). We all have three lives: public, private and secret. Jackie’s secret is her vice, in private she longs for more, in public she is happy. When someone’s virtue pulls her in, will her vice push him away?
Through The Ages (Jen Lassalle Edwards). An older submissive, Libby Simms, befriends her nurse, while ill in the hospital. She shares the story of her life, including her deepest secrets.
First Journey. Second Thoughts (Ali Reynolds). A young woman, Lia Deyns, explores her very first kinky relationship with a Master. It’s a journey she’s not soon to forget, but will she have second thoughts?
Three Wishes (Tiffany Huegele). A husband grants his wife, Amelia Hopkins, three wishes. She in turn, grants him one. Will she play it safe or step out of her comfort zone?
Love’s Notion (Jaycee Daltrey). Vivian returns to her hometown and stumbles across a picture of her teenage crush. Unable to squash her curiosity, she decides to stalk him. She knows it's wrong, yet can't help but play with fire.
style, and her talent to the project. The subtle connection linking the stories relates to the famous River Walk in San Antonio Texas. style, and her talent to the project. The subtle connection linking the stories relates to the famous River Walk in San Antonio Texas. LINKS: Amazon US: Smashwords:

Available on Kindle Unlimited
Global Link:
Al will send a signed autograph sticker to anyone that purchases a Paperback.
Fan Made Book Trailer (Courtesy Di Anne Sandvik)


Vasi- Goodreads
Book Boyfriend Heaven- Goodreads
Stacy Mraz- Goodreads

BOOK 4- SERIES Pleasure Pain or Purpose

Book One: Pleasure
By: Al Daltrey
Release Date: January 3, 2016
Genre: Erotica Romance


Pleasure, Pain or Purpose…the story of three best friends.
When everything seems perfect, that’s when a curve ball is likely waiting around the corner. Biljana Stevens’ blissful life is derailed after the sudden death of her cherished David. Now a lonely submissive, she travels the world with a crushed heart.
A contradiction all her life, Jasmin Stallworth loved Barbies; but she also loved baseball with the boys. Now an undercover cop, Jasmine has a penchant for risk: kinky risk. Will she put her career on the line and her life in danger to satisfy her hunger?
Vicky Knox and her husband Andrew were compatible, but she longed for more than a roommate. Why can’t the magic and enthusiasm always so plentiful in the early stages of a relationship, last a lifetime? Married life became mundane. Until rough sex and a password changed everything.
Together the three friends help each other navigate life, loss and love.
Oh, and kinky sex...very kinky sex.

Amazon Global Link:
Barnes & Noble:
Al will send a signed autograph sticker to anyone that purchases a Paperback.


Maria Angie Mendoza- Goodreads
The Jazzy World of E’s Bookshelf- Goodreads
United By Authors Blog- Goodreads


A thick envelope full of paperwork arrived the next morning. Having been delivered by a lawyer, she didn’t have to look inside to know what it contained.  The whole thing gave her an ugly feeling inside. The multi-national mining company that David had worked for, MGGP Minerals, had been more than fair. The accident happened on company time, while David was visiting a mining site that was on the verge of going into production. As a V.P., he had a lot of stock options, which had tripled in value during his tenure. He was also heavily insured both personally, and professionally. All told, Biljana Stevens was getting a settlement worth $6.4 million dollars. At only 28 years of age, it was enough that she didn’t have to work another day for the rest of her life.
She signed the series of documents, all the while thinking that she’d happily trade in every penny of the money, if she could just get David back. But life doesn’t work that way. Life charts its own course. You have some control over it, but barely. At best, you’re a backseat driver. You can make insistent suggestions and requests, but ultimately life takes you wherever the fuck it wants.
Biljana was now quite rich, but barely alive. Physically she was present, but emotionally she was vacant. She would lie awake most nights with no regulated sleep schedule. The only time she put on a brave face, was when her mother called from Seattle. “Oh, I’m okay Mom,” she would say, trying to sound upbeat. “I’m going to go for a nice long walk today.” In reality, this meant she was going to walk to the elevator, and then down to get the mail.  The color had left the sky in her world. Food tasted bland. Music became muzak. Movies helped simply because they had pictures and sound. Books were okay too, except oftentimes she’d have to re-read a page because her mind had drifted off somewhere else, as she lost track of the story.

Inside the Authors Studio with Al Daltrey – More Interviews to come!

Author RE Hargrave  


Guest Post: Kayla Lords:

By day I work in Marketing, which involves a fair amount of writing. Therefore, I never really had an interest to write for pleasure. When you do it all day, the last thing you want to do when you get home, is more writing. All the while, as my career progressed, so did my involvement in the BDSM lifestyle.

This interest in kinky sex started in my University years. Like most men, I loved meeting women, and especially the occasional one who didn't mind being tied up, or blindfolded, or spanked. All sex was great, but kinky sex was more exciting, more exhilarating, and more fulfilling.

Over the years I was lucky enough to meet my fair share of submissive women. And don't for a minute think these women were weak. Outside the bedroom they were confident, opinionated, gregarious and self-assured. However, inside the bedroom (so to speak) they wanted to feel the strong firm hand of a dominant man taking complete control.

Eventually I found the perfect partner, and am happily in a relationship.

One day, I flipped my laptop open, and to my surprise - I had an urge to write a BDSM story. Soon I had 20 pages, then 40, then 60. The novel that resulted was 'Testing the Submissive'.  The response was overwhelmingly positive, and the reviews excellent - all of which motivated me to continue writing. 'A Condo with Two Views' is my second full length novel, with other projects in the works. If you decide to give any of my writing a try, I hope you enjoy it! Al

Social Media Links:

Blog: A View from the Top
Inside the Author’s Studio with Al Daltrey
Literotica (Free Erotica stories website)- 3 Free Stories
Quarterly Email Update


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