Saturday, April 16, 2016

iScream Books Presents: Satan's Savages MC Series by K.E. Osborn; #Spotlight, #Playlist, #Review & #Giveaway

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Satan's Savages MC Series

by K.E. Osborn

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from iScream Books and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".
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Meet the Characters

Meet the Characters 
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Heart of Steel (Satan's Savages MC, #1)

Heart of Steel ebook


My name is Steel.
A Marauder Japanese Steel Knife is my weapon of choice.
I'm a hard-core, callous, biker in the Satan's Savages MC.
I wasn't meant to fall for someone like her.

My name is Willow.
I'm a kindergarten teacher.
I'm kind and gentle, but I'm sick of living the simple life.
I need something different.

She is sassy.
He is cocky.
They are drawn together by fate.
But together they could lose it all.

Willow isn't meant for my world. So when she's thrust into it, can she accept who I am? Will my brothers welcome her as a part of the brotherhood? Or will I have to protect her from the brothers I've grown to love?

Can Willow penetrate my heart of steel?

This MC novel contains crude language, sex scenes, and graphic violence. It is not suitable for readers under the age of 18. If any of the above offends you, please do not read this book. This is a complete work of fiction and is not a true representation of a motorcycle club. It is for entertainment purposes only.

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Ignite the Flame (Satan's Savages MC, #2)  

Ignite the Flame ebook Cover


My name is Willow AKA Flame.
I'm on the run with my biker boyfriend.
I'm running from his Satan's Savages MC brothers.
How did my life come to this?

My name is Steel.
I will protect her with my life.
But two weeks on the road is long enough.
I need to find her somewhere to hide—a sanctuary—where she will be safe.

She is scared.
He is desperate.
They are running for her life.
Can a helping hand bring a new home?

Running from what scares Willow most, leads them both on a different path, to another life they didn't know existed. A brotherhood that's there willing to protect and provide sanctuary. But will the brothers they left behind follow them to their new haven?

Can Steel continue to ignite the Flame?

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Stung by Stealth (Satan's Savages MC, #3) 

Releasing April 18th!

Stung by Stealth


My name is Stealth.
A man torn in two opposing directions.
I'm an undercover cop infiltrating the Satan's Savages MC.

My name is Skye.
I'm a club girl.
This is the life I know, but I long for something simpler.

My name is Hannah.
I am alone.
The wife of a man who is never here, a ghost in the wind.

Going undercover forced Stealth and Hannah into a separation. Their marriage left in tatters. Throwing himself into his new identity as Stealth - bad boy biker of the Satan's Savages MC club - plunged him straight into the arms of club girl, Skye.

But with the Cartel on the club's back and danger at every turn, can Stealth truly turn on the brothers he loves. Will he give his
Unit the intel they need, putting his career before his brothers?

Will it be the club, Skye, or Hannah, who is Stung by Stealth?

This MC novel contains crude language, sex scenes, and graphic violence. It is not suitable for readers under the age of 18. If any of the above offends you, please do not read any further. This is a complete work of fiction and is not a true representation of a motorcycle club. It is for entertainment purposes only. I hope you enjoy.

This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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My Thoughts:

Rating:    4 Stars
Told in the first person.

Stealth let’s us see what his life is like – it isn’t an easy one. He’s one of the few that has to walk a fine line to keep us safe – a line between good and evil. His is a job where he has to make a lot of hard decisions almost every day. One or two of those decisions involve a couple of ladies, Hannah and Skye. And that is one reason to keep turning the pages - to see what his decision is going to be.

Our author leads her readers into a scene with a serious moment and then in an instant she’ll have you giggling – it’s a great way to lighten up the seriousness of the situation. But I will give you a warning – if you are one of the ones that gets queasy easily there may be some scenes that may get your stomach rolling. To be honest, there was one scene where I actually cringed. I do give the author kudos for including that scene because not every MC goes through their day without some type of violence. Some of the scenes can be considered violently graphic so you may need to step away and decompress in order to process how violent some men can be.

Reading from someone’s point of view can be confusing when there are more than two characters but the author lets you know so I don’t think you’ll be confused at all. As you get toward the ending, she prepares you for the next book in the Satan’s Savages MC series. So I would make sure not to read book four before reading this one. This book mentions a member of the MC that the first two books are about so if Stealth’s story is the first one you read, you may want to read Heart of Steel and Ignite The Flame to catch up. Violence and all, I found it a good read.

SBS jacket



Skye glides down the hall and spots me.
“Hey handsome, you okay?” 
Sighing, I shake my head. “Nope.”
She frowns and grabs my hands facing me. “What’s wrong?” 
I don’t even know where to start. How about—I’m infiltrating your clubhouse, and I have to take down the brother’s I’ve grown to love. I miss my kids and wife, and yet somehow I feel like I’m falling for you too, which is only making things harder. I don’t want to betray anyone and yet I feel like, in the end, I’m going to betray everyone. Yeah, how do I explain that?
“I miss my kids,” I choose to tell her instead. 
She nods and presses her forehead against mine. “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?” 
I shrug. “Make my kids appear out of thin air?” 
She giggles and nods. “Your wish is my command.” 
The bathroom door opens and Jackson walks out. “I’m here.” 
Skye backs up and her mouth drops open. “Please tell me that’s not one of yours? ‘Cause if it is, I swear to God I didn’t conjure him up.” 
Throwing my head back laughing at the sheer awesome timing of that, I shake my head. “No gorgeous, this is Jackson. He’s Nikita’s kid. I’m watching him for her while she talks to Lookout.” 
She slumps her body and nods taking a deep breath. “Oh thank God, ‘cause I thought for a second there that I was doing something I didn’t know I could. You know, super-powers and all that.” 
Smiling, I pull her to me and kiss her forehead. “God you’re cute. No, that was just impeccable timing.” 
“So I get the whole missing your kids thing now. When you’re finished babysitting, if you want to talk I’m here. I’m always here.” 
Smiling at her, I nod. “Thank you, that means a lot.”


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Coming Soon 

Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC, #4) 

Releasing May 18th!

Meltdown of Mad Dog


My name is Mad Dog.
I’m the President of the Virginia Satan’s Savages MC.
I’m a man with nothing left to fight for.

My name is Amelia.
My life’s a mess.
All because of my ex-husband and his Goddamned MC Club.

In the early days, Mad Dog and Amelia were undeniably happy. Their life in the club together, along with their three young boys, was bliss. That was until one fateful night their world turned upside down. Having their lives torn apart pulled them in opposite directions.

Mad Dog is trying to run a club that’s failing miserably, and all he can think of is the family he once had and lost. With the club irreparably broken—his family gone, his brothers turning on him—Mad Dog is losing track of everything, and running the club in a direction no one saw coming. The Cartel is on his back, and he wants war. But will the war only lead him down the path to the inevitable? A Meltdown of Mad Dog?

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about the author

K.E. Osborn
Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.

Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry, and get completely enveloped with the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn't consider doing anything else.

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